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Should I Buy Pest and Termite Control? How to Protect Your New DeLand Home

Buyers have a few common expectations when settling on their brand-new DeLand, Florida home. It should be in excellent condition, clean, and free of unwanted pests. For most people, their home is the largest purchase they’ll make in their entire lives, and a key way to protect that investment is to hire professionals who help keep your home as beautiful, clean, and pest-free as the day you bought it.

One common misconception about new-build homes is that they will be pest-free. After all, they are too new to have suffered an infestation, right? Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Pests don’t know the difference between new and old construction. They’re just looking for the same things we all are: food and shelter.

In our area, most new homes are constructed on properties that used to be wooded. When that land is cleared, many pests, such as bugs and rodents, are left homeless, driving them straight into a new home in search of food and safety.

Fortunately, you’re not stuck living with unwanted pests. All you need is the thorough support of a professional pest control company.

Why Invest in Professional Pest Control?

Besides providing you with a sense of security and confidence, Holder Pest Control also keeps your home safe from dangerous and unhygienic pests. You do a lot to keep your home clean and safe. Our team partners with homeowners just like you to ensure that your brand-new home isn’t overcome with pests before you have a chance to enjoy it. Also, while DIY methods may be tempting; they are often far less effective or ineffective, more time-consuming, and in the end, may not even save you any money or time at all!

Do I Really Need Termite Control?

Unlike other areas of the country, our balmy weather means termites are active all year long. Termites cause millions of dollars in damage to homes each year, and often, that damage happens in homes that are untreated or treated too late. The key is to not wait until damage occurs to protect your home from termites. Invest in quality termite prevention from local experts.

What Can Holder Pest Control Do For Me?

The most valuable things our pest professionals bring to the table are experience, expertise, and consistency. To truly get ahead of a pest problem in your newly built home you need an expert on your side who you can trust to keep your home pest-free. While some homeowners wait until an issue arises to treat it, we recommend arming your home first. Have us inspect your home for existing and potential issues and treat them if necessary so you can relax knowing unwanted bugs will be kept at bay. Our services will go beyond what any initial treatments for termites that may be completed before you move in can.

We all know it’s best not to wait for essential appointments like doctor’s visits or dental care. Think of pest control as one of your home’s most important doctor appointments. Prevention is the key to maintaining a clean, pest-free household and protecting your brand-new investment. Set up consistent pest control services today and avoid panicked phone calls after finding a late-night cockroach in your kitchen.

At Holder Pest Control, we have most likely seen all the pest problems any Volusia County homeowner can imagine. From our experience, we can assure you that your brand-new home is not pest-free until you invest in pest control. We have a great reputation because of our decades of experience treating homes and businesses in the area and we look forward to helping you keep your home good as new. If you’ve purchased or are shopping for a home in DeLand whether it’s brand new or not, contact us ASAP to schedule a consultation.

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