We’ve all experienced a surprise pest moment. One second, you’re sitting casually in your living room or lounging in the bath when, out of the corner of your eye, you see a creepy crawly pest run across the floor. One pest can completely change how you see your home and make it feel more vulnerable. The truth is, anyone who doesn’t have ongoing pest control services will experience this moment eventually. When pests show up, homeowners generally respond in one of three ways. Does one of these sound like you?
The Hide Your Eyes Homeowners
These homeowners tend to ignore a problem rather than get their hands dirty looking for a solution. This is much more common than you might think, and eventually, we receive phone calls from these homeowners. However, the problem has escalated by that point, requiring a much more expensive solution. There are a lot of issues you can ignore in your life, but if you can help it, don’t ignore your pest problems. Your family deserves a pest-free home, and we can help you get there.
DIY Folks
We’ve all seen commercials on television for at-home pest products that promise to eliminate the pests you hate the most. The reality is that most people are not pest control experts and do not know how to apply pest control products safely and effectively. If the products they sell at your local hardware store are as strong as they claim to be, you probably shouldn’t use them unsupervised. When it comes to putting up a new backsplash or making scented bath bombs, you should go for it. We all have hobbies, but pest control doesn’t need to be yours. Let us take this item off your plate.
The One and Done People
Finally, this homeowner is the one who gets so close to pest control success but drops the ball when it comes to consistency. We’re happy to meet new clients and help them eliminate pest problems, and we’ll always be there when you need us. However, clients who don’t commit to monthly scheduled services get the short end of the stick. They call us when they see roaches in the bathroom, and once they’re gone, we don’t hear from them again until the next infestation pops up. However, the most effective way to use our services is as a preventative measure. With monthly pest control services, you can trust that we’ll keep pests at bay.
You don’t wait until you have a cavity to visit a dentist or until your engine explodes to have your oil checked, so don’t wait until your home is infested with pests to call a professional pest service. We’ve been helping families and businesses in the DeLand area keep their properties pest-free for decades. Sign up for our ongoing pest control service, and you’ll see your pest issues disappearing. Contact us today for more information about our services or to schedule an appointment for a free estimate.